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Hip Pain Specialist

Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine Center

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine located in Sarasota, FL & Bradenton, FL

Hip pain can make it hard to walk, sit, lay down, or get up. Dr. Carlos Diaz is a well-known physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Spine, Sport & Physical Medicine Center in Sarasota, Florida, who can help relieve your pain and get you moving again. Whether your pain is long-term or came on suddenly, he creates a personalized treatment plan for you that addresses your symptoms as well as the underlying cause. Call today for an appointment with Dr. Diaz or book your visit online.

Hip Pain Q & A

What causes hip pain?

Your hips are complex ball-and-socket joints, the largest in your body, that are surrounded by muscles, tendons, arteries, and nerves. Healthy hips move smoothly through the many routine activities that keep you busy during a day. They bear the stress of repeated movements that can cause a considerable amount of wear-and-tear as you age, which is often the cause of hip pain — in other words, the natural aging process.

Other reasons for hip pain include:

  • A fracture sustained during a fall
  • Tendon tears due to overuse or injury
  • Physical activity such as walking, running, and sports that strain the joint
  • Abnormal gait due to back, knee, ankle, or foot issues

Other common causes of hip pain include bursitis, muscle strain, sciatica, and tightness or inflammation in the iliotibial ligament that runs from your hip to your shin  

What are the signs of a hip condition?

It’s sometimes tricky to determine whether your symptoms are due to a hip problem since the pain can occur in your:

  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Groin
  • Inner part of the hip joint
  • Outer portion of the hip joint

Often, however, the location of your pain can help determine the cause. Problems within the hip joint itself, for instance, usually result in pain on the inside of your hip or in your groin area. Pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh, or outer buttock is often due to problems with the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissue structures that surround your hip joint.

What is the treatment for hip pain?

The first step in treatment is undergoing a thorough physical exam to help identify the cause of your hip pain.

During the physical exam, Dr. Diaz observes your gait, checks the internal and external rotation of your hip, and performs other tests that help him identify the source of your pain. He often obtains diagnostic tests such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine the health of the bones and soft tissue structures of your hip joint.

Depending on the reason for your pain, Dr. Diaz may recommend:

  • Rest and limited weight-bearing activities for a time to help your hip heal
  • Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce inflammation and pain
  • Cortisone injections to reduce joint inflammation
  • Physical therapy exercises that strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility in your hip joint